One of Philly’s Finest Animal Rescue Partners: PAWS
The Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society, also known as PAWS, is a gem of a non-profit animal welfare organization with various locations, but one in Northeast Philadelphia is situated just a mere few blocks away from historic Route 1.
Since its development in 2006, the city of Philadelphia has seen a notable decrease in its homeless pet population. Back in 2006, Philadelphia’s lifesaving rate was at a measly 11%; a sad state of affairs for the animals in the area and their owners with no means to offer them proper and affordable veterinary care. In 2020, that number was at 89%, and with PAWS as the city shelter’s number one rescue partner, this incredible increase could not have happened without them. They have a mission to end the unnecessary euthanasia of animals in the city, and they have taken great strides toward making this a reality since their inception.
PAWS approaches animal welfare from various angles:
- They pull animals directly from the city shelter, treat any immediate medical needs, and place them in screened adoptive homes to live happily ever after.
- They work directly with the public to provide low-cost veterinary care in their clinics, which directly lowers the number of pet owners who feel the need to surrender their pets to the city shelter when issues arise.
- They offer low-cost spay and neuter options and educate the public on the importance of this service, which lowers the number of unnecessary litters further leading to overpopulation.
- They partner with other organizations to bring as much light and education to this topic as possible. By educating pet owners and offering them resources in times of need, they open doors of communication and can work together for better outcomes.
PAWS is privately-funded, so their efforts rely on donors (both individual and corporate) and media support. They are consistently partnering with other neighboring animal welfare organizations to someday reach a goal of every savable pet in Philadelphia having a safe and secure forever home.
Check out their YouTube video to dive deeper into what PAWS stands for, and make a tax-deductible donation toward their work here: https://secure.phillypaws.org/give/139144/#!/donation/checkout?c_src=giving.
Visit https://phillypaws.org/ for more information and to explore other locations.
Cait Mellor PA Philadelphia Nov 11, 2021 RE
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